Outdoor Atmospheric Simulation Chamber of Orleans (HELIOS)
Atmospheric simulation chambers are among the most advanced tools for investigating the atmospheric processes to derive physico-chemical parameters which are required for air quality and climate models. The Reactivity Atmospheric Group of ICARE-CNRS at Orléans (France) has developped the largest outdoor simulation chamber in France and the third largest in Europe, HELIOS (cHambrE de simuLation atmosphérique à Irradiation naturel d’OrléanS).
HELIOS is one of the most advanced and largest outdoor atmospheric simulation chambers in Europe and is especially suited to investigate the chemical processes under realistic atmospheric conditions. HELIOS is positioned on the top of ICARE-CNRS building at Orléans (47°50’18.39N; 1°56’40.03E). The chamber is made of FEP film ensuring more than 90 % solar light transmission. The chamber is protected against severe meteorological conditions by a moveable housing. HELIOS is dedicated mainly to the investigation of the chemical processes under different conditions (sunlight and dark to simulate the Chemistry during day and night). The available large range of complementary and highly sensitive instruments enables investigating the radical chemistry, gas phase processes and aerosol formation under realistic atmospheric conditions.