Recent Publications
from HELIOS and its sister Atmospheric Simulation Chamber (indoor 8 m3)
Michelat, L.; Mellouki, A. Ravishankara, A.R.; El Othmani, H. Papadimitriou, V.C. Daële, V.; McGillen, M.R.: Temperature-Dependent Structure–Activity Relationship of OH + Haloalkene Rate Coefficients under Atmospheric Conditions and Supporting Measurements, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6, 12, 3101–3114, 2022.
Newland, M.; Ren, Y.; McGillen, M.; Michelat, L.; Daële, V.; Mellouki, A.: NO3 chemistry of wildfire emissions: a kinetic study of the gas-phase reactions of furans with the NO3 radical, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, volume 22, pages 1761-1772, 2022.
El Othmani, H., Ren, Y., Mellouki, A., Daële, V., McGillen, M.: Gas-phase rate coefficient of OH + cyclohexene oxide measured from 251 to 373 K, Chemical Physics Letters, 783, November 2021,
Ren, Y., Li, Z., Mellouki, A., Daele, V., Idir, M., Brown, S.S., Ruscic, B., Paton, R.S., McGillen, M. R., Ravishankara, A. R.: Reactions of NO3 with aromatic aldehydes: gas-phase kinetics and insights into the mechanism of the reaction, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, doi: 10.5194/ACP-21-13537-2021
El Othmani, H., Ren, Y., Bedjanian, Y., El Hajjaji, S., Tovar, C., Wiesen, P., Mellouki, A., McGillen, M., Daële, V.: Gas-phase rate coefficient of OH + 1,2-epoxybutane determined between 220 and 950 K, ACS Earth Space Chemistry. April 2021,
Ren, Y., El Baramoussi, E-M, Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric chemistry of ketones: Reaction of OH radicals with 2-methyl-3-pentanone, 3-methyl-2-pentanone and 4-methyl-2-pentanone. The Science of the Total Environment, 780, 146249, August 2021,
Ren, Y., McGillen, M., Ouchen, I., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetic and product studies of the reactions of NO3 with a series of unsaturated organic compounds. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 95, 111-120, 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2020.03.022
Ren, Y., McGillen, M., Daele, V., Casas, J., Mellouki, A.: The fate of methyl salicylate in the environment and its role as signal in multitrophic interactions. Science of the Total Environment 749, 141406, 2020
Ravishankara, A. R., Pele, A.-L., Zhou, L., Ren, Y., Zogka, A., Daele, V., Idir, M., Brown, S., Romanias, M. N., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric loss of nitrous oxide (N2O) is not influenced by its potential reactions with OH and NO3 radicals, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 21, 44, 24592-24600, 2019, doi: 10.1039/c9cp04818a
Ren, Y., Bernard, F., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric fate and impact of perfluorinated butanone and pentanone. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(15), 8862-8871.
Ren, Y., Cai, M., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Rate coefficients for the reactions of OH radical and ozone with a series of unsaturated esters, Atmospheric Environment, 200, 243-253, 2019,
Zhou, L., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Zarzana, K.J., Idir, M., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetics of the reactions of NO3 radical with alkanes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 4246-4257, 2019,
Chiappini, L., Perraudin, E., Maurin, N., Picquet-Varrault, B., Zheng, W., Marchand, N., Temime-Roussel, B., Monod, A., Le Person, A., Bernard, F., Eyglunent, G., Mellouki, A., Doussin, J-F : Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Aromatic Alkene Ozonolysis: Influence of the Precursor Structure on Yield, Chemical Composition, and Mechanism. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, 7, 1469-1484, 2019,
Ren, Y., Wang, J., Grosselin, B., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetic and product studies of Cl atoms reactions with a series of branched Ketones, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 71, 271-282, 2018,
Ren, Y., Grosselin, B., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Investigation of the reaction of ozone with isoprene, methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone using the HELIOS chamber, Faraday Discussions, 200, 289-311, 2017,
Zhou, L., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Idir, M., Zarzana, K.J., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetics of the reactions of NO3 radical with methacrylate esters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 11(23)4464-4474, 2017,
Recent Communications
Blázquez, S., McGillen, M.R., Ren, Y., Albaladejo, J., Mellouki, A., and Elena Jiménez: Kinetics of CH2=CHCH2OCF2CF2H with atmospheric oxidants, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 April, 2021
Ren, Y., McGillen, M.R., Kukui, A., Daële, V., and Mellouki, A.: Shedding light on tropospheric H2SO4 production from Criegee intermediates + SO2: a comprehensive laboratory chamber study using the highly instrumented HELIOS platform European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 April, 2021
Carlsson, P.T.M., Vereecken, L., Novelli, A., Bernard, F., Bohn, B., Brown, S.S., Cho, C., Crowley, J.N., Hofzumahaus, A., Mellouki, A., Reimer, D., Rohrer, F., Shenolikar, J., Tillmann, R., Zhou, L., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Wahner, A., and Fuchs, H.: The role of radical chemistry in the product formation from nitrate radical initiated gas-phase oxidation of isoprene European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 April, 202
Deabji, N., Fomba, K.W., El Hajjaji, S., Mellouki, A., and Herrmann, H.: Aerosol chemical composition of the middle Atlas region of North Africa, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 April, 2021
Dusanter, S.; Lahib, A.; Duncianu, M.; Stevens, P. S.; Schoemaecker, C.; Batut, S.; Kukui, A.; Ren, Y.; Zhou, L.; Benoit, R.; Grosselin, B.; Véronique, D.; Mellouki, A.; Tomas, A.: Intercomparison of peroxy radical instruments at the HELIOS atmospheric simulation chamber. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 2019.
Ren, Y., McGillen, M., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Zhou, L., Idir, M., Daële, V., Mellouki, A.: Gas-phase rate coefficients for the reaction of the NO3 radical with a series of aromatic aldehydes, The 11th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Orléans, France, 23-27, June 2019.
McGillen, M., El Othmani, H., Ren, Y., Zhou, L., Idir, I., El Hajjaji, S., Daële, V., Ravishankara, A.R., Mellouki, A.:Revisiting the Gas-Phase Rate Coefficient of the OH + SO2+ M →HSO3 + M Reaction, The 11th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Orléans, France, 23-27, June 2019.
Ren, Y., Kukui, A., Benard, F., Jéglise, J., Zhou, L., Cai, M., Ahmad, W., Coujou, C., Benoit, R., Daële, V., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric chamber measurements of H2SO4: characterization of formation and loss rates during the ozonolysis and aerosol formation studies, The European Geophysical Union, General Assembly, Vienna, 7-12 April 2019.
Brewer, J.F., Fischer, E.V., Ravishankara, A.R., Burkholder, J.B., Papanastasiou, D.K., Mellouki, A., Ren, Y., Apel, E.C., Hornbrook, R.S.: Modeling the Global Budget of Methyl Ethyl Ketone. 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 6-10 January 2019.
Ren, Y., Kukui, A., Benard, F., Jéglise, J., Zhou, L., Cai, M., Ahmad, W., Coujou, C., Benoit, R., Daële, V., Mellouki, A.: The atmospheric impact of Monoterpene ozonolysis intermediates: rate constant and secondary organic aerosol formation within SO2 oxidation, The 24th Chinese Conference on Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology & the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Committee for Atmospheric Environment of Chinese Society for Environmental Science, Qingdao-China, 2-4 November 2018.
Zhou, L., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Zarzana, K.J., Idir, M., Daële, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetics of the Reactions of NO3 Radical with alkanes, 6th Sino-French Joint Workshop on Atmospheric Environment, Orléans-France, 10-13 September, 2018.
Ren, Y., A. Kukui, A., Benard, F., Jéglise, J., Zhou, L., Cai, M., Ahmad, W., Coujou, C., Benoit, R., Daële, V., Mellouki, A.: Chamber studies of the ozonolysis of several alkenes: gas-phase products and particle formation induced by SO2 oxidation, 6th Sino-French Joint Workshop on Atmospheric Environment, Orléans-France, 10-13 September, 2018.
Zhou, L., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Idir, M., Mellouki, A., Daële, V. : Cinétique des réactions des radicaux NO3 avec des alcanes, Colloque francophone combustion et pollution atmosphérique (COMPOLA 2018), 23-26 Avril 2018, Ouarzazate-Maroc.
Daële, V., Mellouki, A., Catoire, V., Kukui, A. : The Atmospheric Reactivity studies Plateform of Orléans-France, Colloque francophone combustion et pollution atmosphérique (COMPOLA 2018), 23-26 Avril 2018, Ouarzazate-Maroc.
Leglise, J., Ait-Helal, W., Benoit, R., Daële, V., Flaud, P-M, George, C., Hayeck, N., Kukui, A., Perraudin, E., Perrier, S., Ren, Y., Villenave, E., Zhou, L., Mellouki, A.: Ozonolysis of unsaturated BVOCs in the presence of SO2: formation of Stabilised Criegee Intermediates, their reactivity and role in the particle formation EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Avril, 2018.
Brewer, J.F., Ravishankara, A.R., Mellouki, A., Fischer, E.V., Kukui, A., Daële, V., Ait-Helal, W., Ren, Y.: New Measurements of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) Photolysis Rates and Their Relevance to Global Oxidative Capacity, The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans-USA.
Recent PhD Thesis
WANG Pengcheng, Thèse Université d’Orléans, sera soutenue en septembre 2025.
BACHELIER Fanny, Thèse Université d’Orléans, sera soutenue en septembre 2024.
MICHELAT Lisa, Thèse Université d’Orléans, sera soutenue en septembre 2023.
El OTHMANI Hajar, Thèse Université d’Orléans-Université Mohamed V (Rabat), soutenue en mars 2022.
CAI Min, Thèse Université d’Orléans, soutenue en septembre 2021.
LEGLISE Joris : « Etude de la formation d’aérosols organiques secondaires par spectrométrie de masse lors de l’ozonolyse de composés organiques volatils insaturés ». Thèse Université d’Orléans, soutenue en février 2019.
ZHOU Li : « Chimie atmosphérique de NO3 : réactions avec une série de composés organiques et inorganiques ». Thèse Université d’Orléans, soutenue en décembre 2017.
REN Yangang : « Dégradation atmosphérique des COV: Isoprène et ses produits d’ozonolyse, une perfluoro-cétone et des cétones à longue chaîne ». Thèse Université d’Orléans, soutenue en mai 2017.
CHEN Hui : « Atmospheric chemical processes : reaction of ozone with 2- and 3-carene, evolution of internal mixed combustion particles ». Thèse Université d’Orléans-Fudan University (Shanghai), soutenue en décembre 2014.
Recent Master Students
Dandan LI, Master Shandong University, China
Chunying LU, Master Shandong University, China
Basma HMAMOUCH, Master Université Paris Est Marne La Vallée
Juan LI, Master Shandong University, China
Yanjun WANG, Master Shandong University, China
Lisa Michelat, Master Université Lyon 1
Complete List of Publications from the « Atmospheric Reactivity Group » since 2015
El Baramoussi, EM.; Ren, Y.; Xue, C.; Ouchen, I.; Daële, V.; Mercier, P.; Chalumeau, C.; Le Fur, F.; Colin, P.; Yahyaoui, A.; Favez, O.; Mellouki, A.: Nearly five-year continuous atmospheric measurements of black carbon over a suburban area in central France, Science of The Total Environment 858, 159905, 2023
Xue, C.; Krysztofiak, G.; Ren, Y.; Cai, M.; Mercier, P.; Le Fur, F.; Robin, C.; Grosselin, B.; Daële, V.; McGillen, M.R.; Mu, Y.; Catoire, V.; Mellouki, A.: A study on wildfire impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and regional air quality in South of Orléans, France, Journal of Environmental Sciences, In press, Available online 6 September 2022.
Michelat, L.; Mellouki, A. Ravishankara, A.R.; El Othmani, H. Papadimitriou, V.C. Daële, V.; McGillen, M.R.: Temperature-Dependent Structure–Activity Relationship of OH + Haloalkene Rate Coefficients under Atmospheric Conditions and Supporting Measurements, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6, 12, 3101–3114, 2022.
Li, Z.; Xie, G.; Chen, H.; Zhan, B.; Wang, L.; Mu, Y.; Mellouki, A.; Chen, J.: Characterization of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) under different PM2.5 concentration in wintertime at a North China rural site, Journal of Environmental Sciences 114, 221-232, 2022.
Peng, X.; Wang, T.; Wang, W.; Ravishankara, A.R.; George, C. Xia, M. Cai, M.; Li, Q.; Mark, C.; Chiho, S.; Xiaopu, L.; Chun, L.; Poon, N.; Mellouki, A.; Mu, Y.; Hallquist, M.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Guo, H.; Herrmann, H.; Yu, C.; Dai, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; Yu, A.; Leung, K.; Lee, S.; Chen, J.: Photodissociation of particulate nitrate as a source of daytime tropospheric Cl2, Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 13 (1), 939, 2022. ⟨10.1038/s41467-022-28383-9⟩. ⟨hal-03579273⟩
Xue, C.; Ye, C.; Kleffmann, J.; Zhang, W.; He, X.; Liu, P.; Zhang, C.; Zhao, X.; Liu, C.; Ma, Z.; Liu, J.; Wang, J.; Lu, K.; Catoire, V.; Mellouki, A.; Mu, Y.: Atmospheric measurements at Mt. Tai – Part II: HONO budget and radical (ROx + NO3) chemistry in the lower boundary layer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 1035–1057, 2022,
Newland, M.; Ren, Y.; McGillen, M.; Michelat, L.; Daële, V.; Mellouki, A.: NO3 chemistry of wildfire emissions: a kinetic study of the gas-phase reactions of furans with the NO3 radical, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, volume 22, pages 1761-1772, 2022.
Cai, M.; Ren, Y.; Gibilisco, R.G.; Grosselin, B.; McGillen, M.R.; Xue, C.; Mellouki, A.; Daële, V.: Ambient BTEX Concentrations during the COVID-19 Lockdown in a Peri-Urban Environment (Orléans, France), Atmosphere, Special issue « VOC Sensing and Measurements », 13, 10, 2022.
Hu, D.; Tobon, Y.; Agostini, A.; Grosselin, B.; Robin, C.; Yahyaoui, A.; Colin, P.; Wang, J.; Mellouki, A.; Daële V.: Diurnal variation and potential sources of indoor formaldehyde at elementary school, high school and university in the Centre region of France, Science of the Total Environment, 811, 152271, 2022.
Deabji, N.; Fomba, K.W.; El Hajjaji, S.; Mellouki, A.; Poulain, L.; Zeppenfeld, S.; Herrmann, H.: First insights into northern Africa high-altitude background aerosol chemical composition and source influences, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (24), pp.18147-18174, 2021,
Othmani, H.; Ren, Y.; Mellouki, A.; Daële, V.; McGillen, M.: Gas-phase rate coefficient of OH + cyclohexene oxide measured from 251 to 373 K, Chemical Physics Letters, 783, 2021,
Xie, G.; Chen, H.; Zhang, F.; Shang, X.; Zhan, B.; Zeng, L.; Mu, Y.; Mellouki, A.; Tang, X.; Chen, J.: Compositions, sources, and potential health risks of volatile organic compounds in the heavily polluted rural North China Plain during the heating season (vol 789, 147956, 2021), Science of the Total Environment 792, 2021,
Mellouki, A., Ammann, M., Cox, R.A., Crowley, J.N., Herrmann, H., Jenkin, M.E., McNeill, V.F., Troe, J., Wallington, T.J.: Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: Volume VIII – gas phase reactions of organic species with four, or more, carbon atoms (≥ C4), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (6), 4797-4808, 2021.
Li, Y.; Wang, X.; Wu, Z.; Li, L.; Wang, C.; Li, H.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, J.; Gao, R.; Xue, L.; Mellouki, A.; Ren, Y.; Zhang, Q.: Atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) in an alternate process of haze pollution and ozone pollution in urban Beijing in summertime: Variations, sources and contribution to atmospheric photochemistry, Atmospheric Research 260, 2021.
Zhang, M.H.; Fu, R.; Giorgi, F.; Leung, R.; Mellouki, A.; Randel, W.; Rogers, R.; Russell, L.; Yang, P.; Zhang, C.D.: Appreciation of Peer Reviewers for 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 126 (17), 2021.
Ren, Y.; Zhou, L.; Mellouki, A.; Daële, V.; Idir, M.; Brown, S.; Ruscic, B.; Paton, R.; McGillen, M.; Ravishankara, A.R.: Reactions of NO3 with aromatic aldehydes: gas-phase kinetics and insights into the mechanism of the reaction, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (17), 13537-13551, 2021.
Cox, R.A. Ammann, M.; Crowley, J.; Griffiths, P.; Herrmann, H.; Hoffmann, E.; Jenkin, M.; McNeill, V.F. Mellouki, A.; Penkett, C.; Tilgner, A.; Wallington, T.J.: Opinion: The germicidal effect of ambient air (open-air factor) revisited, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (17), 13011-13018, 2021.
El Othmani, H.; Ren, Y.; Bedjanian, Y.; El Hajjaji, S.; Tovar, C.; Wiesen, P.; Mellouki, A.; McGillen, M.; Daële, V.: Gas-Phase Rate Coefficient of OH+1,2-Epoxybutane Determined between 220 and 950 K, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5 (4), 960-968, 2021.
Ren, Y., El Baramoussi, E-M, Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric chemistry of ketones: Reaction of OH radicals with 2-methyl-3-pentanone, 3-methyl-2-pentanone and 4-methyl-2-pentanone. The Science of the Total Environment, 780, 146249, 2021,
Vereecken, L., Carlsson, P. T. M., Novelli, A., Bernard, F., Brown, S. S., Cho, C., Crowley, J. N., Fuchs, H., Mellouki, A., Reimer, D., Shenolikar, J., Tillmann, R., Zhou, L., A. Kiendler-Scharr, A., Wahner, A.: Theoretical and experimental study of peroxy and alkoxy radicals in the NO3-initiated oxidation of isoprene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0CP06267G
Xue, C., Ye, C., Zhang, C., Catoire, V., Liu, P., Gu, R., Zhang, J., Ma, Z., Zhao, X., Zhang, W., Ren, Y., Krysztofiak, G., Tong, S., Xue, L., An, J., Ge, M., Mellouki, A., Mu, Y.: Evidence for Strong HONO Emission from Fertilized Agricultural Fields and its Remarkable Impact on Regional O3 Pollution in the Summer North China Plain, ACS Earth Space Chemistry. 5, 2, 340–347, 2021,
Xu, C., Chen, J., Wang, Z., Chen, H., Feng, H., Wang, L., Xie, Y., Wang, Z., Ye, X., Kan, H., Zhao, Z., Mellouki, A.: Diverse bacterial populations of PM 2.5 in urban and suburb Shanghai, China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 15 (3), 1-10, 2021,
Li, J., Li, H., Wang, X., Wang, W., Ge, M., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Li, K., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., Chai, F., Meng, F., Mu, Y., Mellouki, A., Bi, F., Zhang, Y., Wu, L., Liu, Y.: A large-scale outdoor atmospheric simulation smog chamber for studying atmospheric photochemical processes: Characterization and preliminary application, , Journal of Environmental Sciences 102, 185-197, 2021,
Bedjanian, Y.: Rate Constant of the Reaction of F Atoms with Methane over the Temperature Range 220–960 K. Chemical Physics Letters 2021, 138458, DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2021.138458.
Bedjanian, Y.: Rate Constant of the Reaction of OH Radicals with HBr over the Temperature Range 235–960 K. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c00251
Bedjanian, Y.: Rate Constants for the Reactions of F Atoms with H2 and D2 over the Temperature Range 220-960 k. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2021, 53, 527-535.
Cox, R.A., Ammann, M., Crowley, J.N., Herrmann, H., Jenkin, M.E., McNeil, V.F., Mellouki, A., Troe, J., Wallington, T.J.: Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: Volume VII – Criegee intermediates, , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , 20, 13497-13519, 2020, DOI: 10.5194/ACP-20-13497-2020
Ren, Y., Stieger, B., Spindler, G., Grosselin, B., Mellouki, A., Tuch, T., Wiedensohler, A., and Herrmann H.: Role of the dew water on the ground surface in HONO distribution: a case measurement in Melpitz, , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , 20, 13069-13089, 2020, DOI: 10.5194/ACP-20-13069-2020
Ren, Y., McGillen, M., Ouchen, I., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetic and product studies of the reactions of NO3 with a series of unsaturated organic compounds. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 95, 111-120, 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2020.03.022
Ren, Y., McGillen, M., Daele, V., Casas, J., Mellouki, A.: The fate of methyl salicylate in the environment and its role as signal in multitrophic interactions. Science of the Total Environment 749, 141406, 2020
Aguilera Sammaritano, M., González Vera, M., Cometto, P.M., Tejero, T.N., Bauerfeldt, G.F., Mellouki, A.: Temperature dependence of rate coefficients for the gas phase reaction of OH with 3-chloropropene. A theoretical and experimental study, , Chemical Physics Letters, 755, 137757, 2020,
Xue, C., Zhang, C., Ye, C., Liu, P., Catoire, V., Krysztofiak, G., Chen, H., Ren, Y., Zhao, X., Wang, J., Zhang, F., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., An, J., Wang, T., Chen, J., Kleffmann, J., Mellouki, A., Mu, Y.: HONO budget and its role in nitrate formation in the rural North China Plain, , Environmental Science & Technology. 2020,
Fomba, K.W., Deabji, N., Barcha, S., Ouchen, I., Elbaramoussi, E., Cherkaoui El Moursli, R., Harnafi, M., El Hajjaji, S., Mellouki, A., Herrmann, H.: Application of TXRF in monitoring trace metals in particulate matter and cloud water, , Atmospheric Measurements Techniques, 13, 4773–4790, 2020,
Dewald, P., Liebmann, J.B., Friedrich, N., Shenolikar, J., Schuladen, J., Rohrer, F., Reimer, D., Tillmann, R., Novelli, A., Cho, C., Xu, K., Holzinger, R., Bernard, F., Li Zhou, Mellouki, A., Brown, S.S., Fuchs, H., Lelieveld, J., Crowley, J.N.: Evolution of NO3 reactivity during the oxidation of isoprene, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 10459-10475,
Mellouki, A.; George, C.; Chai, F.; et al.: SI: Climate Friendly Air Pollution Control: Sources, Processes, Impacts, and Regulation Preface, , Journal of Environmental Sciences, 95, Special Issue, 1, 2020,
Romanias, MN; Ren, YG; Grosselin, B; Daele, V; Mellouki, A; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P; Thevenet, F.: Reactive uptake of NO2 on volcanic particles: A possible source of HONO in the atmosphere, , Journal of Environmental Sciences, 95, Special Issue, 155-164, 2020.
van Pinxteren, M; Fomba, KW; Triesch, N; Stolle, C; Wurl, O; Bahlmann, E; Gong, XD; Voigtlander, J; Wex, H; Robinson, TB; Barthel, S; Zeppenfeld, S; Hoffmann, EH; Roveretto, M; Li, CL; Grosselin, B; Daele, V; Senf, F; van Pinxteren, D; Manzi, M; Zabalegui, N; Frka, S; Gasparovic, B; Pereira, R; Li, T; Wen, L; Li, JR; Zhu, C; Chen, H; Chen, JM; Fiedler, B; Von Tumpling, W; Read, KA; Punjabi, S; Lewis, AC; Hopkins, JR; Carpenter, LJ; Peeken, I; Rixen, T; Schulz-Bull, D; Monge, ME; Mellouki, A; George, C; Stratmann, F; Herrmann, H.: Marine organic matter in the remote environment of the Cape Verde islands – an introduction and overview to the MarParCloud campaign, , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 11, 6921-6951, 2020.
McGillen, M. R.; Carter, W. P. L.; Mellouki, A.; Orlando, J.J.; Picquet-Varrault, B.; Wallington, T.J.: Database for the kinetics of the gas-phase atmospheric reactions of organic compounds, , Earth System Science Data, 12, 2, 1203-1216, 2020,
Wang, X.K.; Gemayel, R.; Hayeck, N.; Perrier, S.; Charbonnel, N.; Xu, C.H.; Chen, H.; Zhu, C.; Zhang, L.W.; Wang, L.; Nizkorodov, S.A.; Wang, X.M.; Wang, Z.; Wang, T.; Mellouki, A.; Riva, M.; Chen, J.M.; George, C.: Atmospheric Photosensitization: A New Pathway for Sulfate Formation, , Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 6, 3114-3120, 2020,
Zhang, X.; Sangwan, M.; Yan, C.; Koshlyakov, P. V.; Chesnokov, E. N.; Bedjanian, Y.; Krasnoperov, L. N.: Disproportionation Channel of the Self-Reaction of Hydroxyl Radical, OH + OH → H2O + O, Revisited. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124, 3993-4005.
Bedjanian, Y.: Temperature-Dependent Kinetic Study of the Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals with Hydroxyacetone. J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 2863-2870.
Bedjanian, Y.: Rate Constant of the Bro + BrO Reaction over the Temperature Range 220-950 k. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2020, 52, 319-328.
Bedjanian, Y.: Temperature-Dependent Rate Constants for the Reactions of Chlorine Atom with Methanol and Br2. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2020, 52, 310-318.
Ravishankara, A. R., Pele, A.-L., Zhou, L., Ren, Y., Zogka, A., Daele, V., Idir, M., Brown, S., Romanias, M. N., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric loss of nitrous oxide (N2O) is not influenced by its potential reactions with OH and NO3 radicals, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 21, 44, 24592-24600, 2019, doi: 10.1039/c9cp04818a
Ren, Y., Bernard, F., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric fate and impact of perfluorinated butanone and pentanone. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(15), 8862-8871.
Ren, Y., Cai, M., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Rate coefficients for the reactions of OH radical and ozone with a series of unsaturated esters, Atmospheric Environment, 200, 243-253, 2019,
Zhou, L., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Zarzana, K.J., Idir, M., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetics of the reactions of NO3 radical with alkanes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 4246-4257, 2019,
Chiappini, L., Perraudin, E., Maurin, N., Picquet-Varrault, B., Zheng, W., Marchand, N., Temime-Roussel, B., Monod, A., Le Person, A., Bernard, F., Eyglunent, G., Mellouki, A., Doussin, J-F : Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Aromatic Alkene Ozonolysis: Influence of the Precursor Structure on Yield, Chemical Composition, and Mechanism. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, 7, 1469-1484, 2019,
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Zhang, J.M.; Yang, L.X.; Ledoux, F.; Courcot, D.; Mellouki, A.; Gao, Y.; Jiang, P.; Li, Y.Y.; Wang, W.X.: PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated PAHs (NPAHs) in rural and suburban areas in Shandong and Henan Provinces during the 2016 Chinese New Year’s holiday, , Environmental Pollution, 250, 782-791, ,2019 DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVPOL.2019.04.040
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Dagaut, P., Bedjanian, Y., Dayma, G., Foucher, F., Grosselin, B., Romanias, M., Shahla, R.: Emission of Carbonyl and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Pollutants from the Combustion of Liquid Fuels: Impact of Biofuel Blending. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 2019, 141, 031028.
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Bedjanian, Y.: Kinetic Study of the F2 + C2H4 Reaction: Disagreement between Theory and Experiment Resolved? Chemical Physics Letters 2019, 722, 85-89.
Ren, Y., Wang, J., Grosselin, B., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetic and product studies of Cl atoms reactions with a series of branched Ketones, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 71, 271-282, 2018,
Li, Z., Li, C., Ye, X., Fu, H., Wang, L., Yang, X., Wang, X., Zhao, Z., Kan, H., Mellouki, A., Chen, J.: Air quality in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River channel: a cruise campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 19, 14445-14464, 2018, DOI: 10.5194/acp-18-14445-2018
Zhang, J., Yang, L., Mellouki, A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Gao, Y., Jiang, P., Li, Y., Yu, H., Wang, W.: Diurnal concentrations, sources, and cancer risk assessments of PM2.5-bound PAHs, NPAHs, and OPAHs in urban, marine and mountain environments, Chemosphere, 209, 147-155, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.06.054
Xu, X., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Li, Q., Wang, X., Wang, W., Zhang, Q., Xue, L., Ding, A., Mellouki, A.: Six sources mainly contributing to the haze episodes and health risk assessment of PM2.5 at Beijing suburb in winter 2016, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 166, 146-156, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.09.069
Li, D., Xue, L., Wen, L., Wang, X., Chen, T., Mellouki, A., Chen, J., Wang, W.: Characteristics and sources of nitrous acid in an urban atmosphere of northern China: Results from 1-yr continuous observations, Atmospheric Environment, 182, 296-306, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.03.033
Lv, G., Sui, X., Chen, J., Jayaratne, R., Mellouki, A.: Investigation of new particle formation at the summit of Mt. Tai, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 3, 2243-2258, 2018, DOI: 10.5194/acp-18-2243-2018
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He, L., Chen, H., Rangognio, J., Yahyaoui, A., Colin, P., Wang, J., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.:Fine particles at a background site in Central France: Chemical compositions, seasonal variations and pollution events, Science of the Total Environment, 612, 1159-1170, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.273
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Bedjanian, Y., Romanias, M. N.: Kinetics and Products of the Reactions of F2 with Br‐Atom and Br2. Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 2018, 50, 425-434.
Bedjanian, Y., Morin, J., Romanias, M. N.: Reactions of OH Radicals with 2-Methyl-1-Butyl, Neopentyl and 1-Hexyl Nitrates. Structure-Activity Relationship for Gas-Phase Reactions of Oh with Alkyl Nitrates: An Update. Atmos. Environ. 2018, 180, 167-172.
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Bedjanian, Y.: Kinetics and Products of the Reaction of OH Radicals with Clno from 220 to 940 K. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018, 122, 916-922.
Morin, J., Bedjanian, Y., Romanias, M. N.: Rate Constants of the Reactions of O(3P) Atoms with Ethene and Propene over the Temperature Range 230–900 K. Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 2017, 49, 53-60.
Morin, J., Bedjanian, Y.: Thermal Decomposition of N-Propyl and N-Butyl Nitrates: Kinetics and Products. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2017, 124, 576-583.
Morin, J., Bedjanian, Y.: Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Ethyl Nitrate. Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 2017, 49, 354-362.
Bedjanian, Y., Morin, J., Romanias, M. N.: Kinetics of the Reactions of OH Radicals with N-Butyl, Isobutyl, N-Pentyl and 3-Methyl-1-Butyl Nitrates. Atmos. Environ. 2017, 155, 29-34.
Bedjanian, Y., Morin, J.: Reaction of O(3P) with C3H6: Yield of the Reaction Products as a Function of Temperature. J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121, 1553-1562.
Bedjanian, Y.: Kinetics and Products of the Reactions of Fluorine Atoms with ClNO and Br2 from 295 to 950 K. J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121, 8341-8347.
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Xu, C.H., Wei, M.H., Chen, J., Wang, X., Zhu, C., Li, J., Zheng, L., Sui, G., Li, W., Wang, W., Zhang, Q., Mellouki, A.: Bacterial characterization in ambient submicron particles during severe haze episodes at Ji’nan, China, Science of the Total Environment, 580, 188-196, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.145
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Ren, Y., Grosselin, B., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Investigation of the reaction of ozone with isoprene, methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone using the HELIOS chamber, Faraday Discussions, 200, 289-311, 2017,
Zhou, L., Ravishankara, A.R., Brown, S.S., Idir, M., Zarzana, K.J., Daele, V., Mellouki, A.: Kinetics of the reactions of NO3 radical with methacrylate esters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 11(23)4464-4474, 2017,
Li, C., Hu, Y.; Zhang, F., Chen, J., Ma, Z., Ye, X., Yang, X., Wang, L., Tang, X., Zhang, R., Mu, M., Wang, G., Kan, H., Wang, X., Mellouki, A.: Multi-pollutant emissions from the burning of major agricultural residues in China and the related health-economic effects Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 8, 4957-4988, 2017, DOI: 10.5194/acp-17-4957-2017
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Jiang, Z. H.; Grosselin, B.; Daele, V.; Mellouki, A., Mu, Y.: Seasonal and diurnal variations of BTEX compounds in the semi-urban environment of Orleans, France, Science of the Total Environment, 574, 1659-1664, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.214
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Jimenez, E., Gonzalez, S., Cazaunau, M., Chen, H., Ballesteros, B., Daele, V., Albaladejo, J., Mellouki, A.: Atmospheric Degradation Initiated by OH Radicals of the Potential Foam Expansion Agent, CF3(CF2)2CH=CH2 (HFC-1447fz): Kinetics and Formation of Gaseous Products and Secondary Organic Aerosols, Environmental Science & Technology, 50, 3, 1234-1242, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04379
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Zhang, J. M.; Yang, L. X.; Mellouki, A., Wen, L., Yang, Y., Gao, Y., Jiang, P., Li, Y., Wang, W.: Chemical characteristics and influence of continental outflow on PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10 measured at Tuoji island in the Bohai Sea, Science of the Total Environment , 573, 699-706, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.146
George, C., Beeldens, A., Barmpas, F., Doussin, JF, Manganelli, G., Herrmann, H., Kleffmann, J., Mellouki, A.: Impact of photocatalytic remediation of pollutants on urban air quality, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10, 5, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11783-016-0834-1
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Fleming, E. L., George, C., Heard, D. E., Jackman, C.H., Michael J. Kurylo, M.J., Mellouki, A., Orkin, V.L., Swartz, W.H., Wallington, T.J., Wine, P.H., Burkholder, J.B.: The impact of current CH4 and N2O atmospheric loss process uncertainties on calculated ozone abundances and trends, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120, 10, 5267-5293, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/2014jd022067